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Unger Brothers made stunning flatware patterns including this uncommon serving spoon in the art nouveau pattern Duvaine. This is an intriguing and unusual pattern. It features the head of a stylized dolphin at the top and the mask of, possibly, Neptune. Flowing upwards from his mustache and downwards from his beard is hair which incorporates into the shaped handle, creating a marvelous art nouveau design. The reverse of the handle is also decorated. The shaped bowl is lovely with its soft gilt matte finish and asymmetrical organic lobing.
While sometimes this shape gets called a 'pudding' server, the 1905 Unger Brothers catalog refers to this as a 'berry spoon.'
This stunning server is marked with the Unger Brothers trademark and 'STERLING.' It measures 9.25 inches long, weighs 2.60 troy ounces, has never been monogrammed and is in excellent antique condition.
Provenance: From the collection of Dale E. Bennett
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